Sunday, May 8, 2011

Dining Room Before

Hi all, and Happy Mothers Day to all my friends and relatives that are mothers, I hope you enjoy your day.
This post is the dining room redo, I decided to post all the befores in one piece and the afters in another that way I can share more pictures with you. So as you can see this room needed ALOT of help, well unless you are a huge fan of black floral and stripe wallpaper. As you can see from the look of shock on my husbands face, probably thinking "Im not gonna be the one to rip all this #$%^*$ paper down". Well, he wasn't, I was... and that my friends, was not one of my most enjoyable moments. So under that beautiful sea of paper was, yes, wait for it....more paper..... So I ripped and ripped and ripped, then I painted and painted and painted. My husband did in fact repair the cracked ceiling (thank God I didnt have to do that). Also, the picture you view with the closet - that wall is GONE!!!! That was the best thing we have done so far to this house, now you can see the lake from the new kitchen (yes, I know I will show you those pictures soon). So take a look at the befores, maybe with some sunglasses....

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