Wednesday, March 16, 2011


Welcome to my new blog! I decided to start this blog to journal our renovation with our new lake front home. Because so many of my friends and family wanted to know about our progress, I felt this was the easiest and most fun way to share our journey. I will try and share with you as many photos and brief (do not want to bore anyone) descriptions of what is happening over here on Lake Chargoggagoggmanchauggagoggchaubunagungamaugg. A brief lesson of the lake: It is made up of three "ponds" south pond, middle pond and north pond. We live on south pond which is a solar piece of heaven, for those of you who know how cold I get. The lake is 3.25 miles long, has 17 miles of shore line, and the challenging name basically means "You fish on your side, I fish on my side and no one fishes in the middle".

So the first picture I want to share with you is the water side of the house, keep in mind this is the realtor photo and we have not yet begun to work on the yard....

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