Wednesday, March 30, 2011


My mermaid buoy - yup shes a buoy, how cool is this? I found her at an antique shop in Concord, you should have seen me in the store, alittle embarrassing I was so excited. She is hanging in our bar - wait to you see this room, so cool.

Girl statue, I love this, she was a birthday gift awhile ago and I had her in my last house. She proudly sits on my patio area with a lovely view of the lake.

Dining room chandelier, nuff said? I LOVE this.....

Budha statue, this also was in my last house, in my daughters room, now has a beautiful spot in our sun room.
This one is kinda hard to explain, but I just had to have it, if you know me, you get it. Also in the bar area - can you tell the bar is gonna be fun??? LOL

Friday, March 25, 2011

Kitchen Preview

Hi all! I am usually not a person who shares until I am totally through with my project (I know boo me), BUT I am so completely and utterly excited about my new kitchen that I had to share with you the progress so far. This is the kitchen that I always dreamed of, which for some may mean state of the art appliances, custom cabinetry and all sorts of bells and whistles. But for me, its a feeling, its how a room makes my heart sing, that I want to spend time in it, that I want to share it with my family and my friends. So enjoy the "preview" and I promise there will be much more to come....

Saturday, March 19, 2011

Master Bedroom

Ok, so the first room I am going to share with you is the master bedroom. This room, so far has been the easiest to tackle, all it primarily needed was decorating. Although plans for the future include to put some dormer windows on the back so that we can see the lake from the bed (ok, how great would THAT be to wake up to?). The process for this room was to paint all the walls, trim and closet doors, hang a new light fixture and decorate, decorate, decorate. So first you will see the before pictures of how we viewed the house, then our reno - Enjoy!!!

Master Bedroom Before:

Master Bedroom After:

Wednesday, March 16, 2011


Welcome to my new blog! I decided to start this blog to journal our renovation with our new lake front home. Because so many of my friends and family wanted to know about our progress, I felt this was the easiest and most fun way to share our journey. I will try and share with you as many photos and brief (do not want to bore anyone) descriptions of what is happening over here on Lake Chargoggagoggmanchauggagoggchaubunagungamaugg. A brief lesson of the lake: It is made up of three "ponds" south pond, middle pond and north pond. We live on south pond which is a solar piece of heaven, for those of you who know how cold I get. The lake is 3.25 miles long, has 17 miles of shore line, and the challenging name basically means "You fish on your side, I fish on my side and no one fishes in the middle".

So the first picture I want to share with you is the water side of the house, keep in mind this is the realtor photo and we have not yet begun to work on the yard....